31 Questions with Josh Baird

Author: Amanda Garza, MS, LPC

Grab a cup of coffee and take a seat for our inaugural Therapist Thursdays post, where we put a staff member of Ajana Therapy on the hot seat, unfortunately, no hot wings involved, though that could be a fun idea!

Male therapist Houston

So Josh, tell us about yourself.  

I love music, hanging out with my beautiful girlfriend and our dog, or spending time with my new baby nephew. I also love going to Astros games and playing video games with my close friends!

My favorite ice cream is Blue Bell’s Buttered Pecan. Close second is literally anything with chocolate!

What does your perfect day look like?

On Saturday I would wake up at 10am with a full-on bed head and a big yawn as proof of a great night’s sleep. I would make some breakfast for my girlfriend and myself, and after playing the daily Wordle together, we would take our dog to the dog park to watch her get the zoomies out. We would then grab lunch and come home to no plans other than cuddling and watching classic movies. Sunday, we do nothing but sleep in and prepare for the week ahead. I’m a simple man!

What are some fun facts about you?

Some off-the-wall fun facts about me: I can beatbox and freestyle pretty darn well (but not at the same time!). Hip hop is my favorite genre and I know how to make hip hop instrumentals. I cannot cartwheel, but I can sure as heck juggle and balance things on my chin. One show that I wish they would bring back on TV is Whose Line is it Anyway because it just about sums up the goofy fun I like to have!

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love being outside on a sunny day. Walking, biking, or o and even mowing the yard! I also love hanging out with my friends and doing something memorable like going to the beach or hanging out by the pool.

Describe an interesting hobby or pastime you have

I love to cook. I have been known to make a mean pecan-crusted salmon with a side of roasted asparagus (great now I’m hungry lol). I also collect vinyl records!

Tell us about yourself. Where did you grow up? What brought you to your current city?

H-Town born and raised! I’ve lived all over this city and absolutely love any neighborhood I’m in. The one thing that keeps me in Houston is the phenomenal community we have.

What’s something surprising not many people know about you?

I wanted to be a major league baseball player growing up!

What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?

Have a therapy practice where I can help the most amount of people possible. To help nurture those who feel lost and alone.

When did you first know that you wanted to pursue a career in this field?

It’s always been in the back of my mind, but I was truly called to enter into this field in 2021 during the pandemic. I worked for a medical supply company and would deliver to folks all over Houston. When I found myself staying at each delivery talking to people for much longer than I was being paid to do, I knew that this was a field that I not only would find fulfilling, but one that I was truly good at.

How would your friends & family describe you in 3 words?

Loving, Supportive, Funny

What podcast are you currently listening to?

I’m a comedy fan with a soft spot for people, so I really like This Past Weekend by Theo Von. He’s a great comedian who flies people from all walks of life out to be on his podcast to gain perspective into their world. I think it’s super interesting and funny!

Got any good podcast recommendations?

This Past Weekend 🙂

What’s on your Spotify playlist?

Tbh it’s a little bit of everything. From Lil Wayne to The Cranberries lol

What song or album are you currently listening to?

An album titled “WE LOVE” by Caye

Who’s your favorite band/singer?

Kendrick Lamar

Do you have a favorite sports team? Any memories you’d like to share of a game you went to or a memorable experience?

The Astros! In third grade, my dad and grandpa took me out of school to go catch a day game. We sat right behind the dugout and I got a baseball from one of the players. I’ll never forget how happy that day made me.

Who are some of your biggest influences?

My dad. He showed me how to have fun and also take on responsibilities in a realistic way.

What movie genre do you enjoy? Any movie recommendations? What was the last good movie you watched?

Comedy and Action. My all-time favorite movie is Terminator 2!

What’s something you’ve always wanted to try or learn?

I’ve always wanted to try stand-up comedy.

When have you felt the proudest & why?

I feel proud of myself when I do challenging things and overcome them. I also feel pride when I am able to help others or make a difference in their lives.

Do you have any funny or embarrassing stories to share?

Wouldn’t you like to know heh heh

What has been your most meaningful accomplishment so far?

Being in a position where I can truly facilitate growth in others’ lives.

What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this year?

Moving in with my girlfriend after over a year of long distance!

How do you like to structure your day?

I like waking up in the morning and going to the gym, then getting to work. But if I had the choice, I would wake up later and work more in the evenings like a true night owl

What do you enjoy most about working at Ajana?

It’s a toss-up between being blessed with the opportunity to help others and having the pleasure of working with some pretty amazing people.

What methods or tools do you use to stay organized?

Calendar and alarm clock

What tips or advice do you have for someone wanting to become a counselor?

Follow your heart. If this is the profession you see yourself in, envision that goal and GO FOR IT! And know that you are entering a profession that aims to support others, so make sure you have the necessary tools and introspection to support yourself, too.

How do you stay motivated and focused?

I think of future me. I think “what would future Josh think about xyz. Would he be pumped, or a little underwhelmed?” I also stay motivated by going to the gym and eating (mostly) healthy.

Do you have any strategies for dealing with stress at work?

When stressed, I take moments away from what is stressing me and take deep breaths, stretch, or go outside. Usually going outside and getting some fresh air helps me tremendously.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself being a counselor working with a practice and changing others’ lives for the better. In 10 years, I plan on having my own private practice.

What are you looking forward to in your current role?

Being a beacon of hope for those in a dark place.

What do you think your biggest challenges & opportunities are?

Challenges – Burning out

Opportunities – Seeing the change I helped nurture in others

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