Spanish Speaking Therapist reduced fee HoustonMy name is Daniela (or Dani) Nuño. I introduce myself as both and give people the option to call me either. I love it when I notice people switching from calling me Daniela to Dani. It feels like a subtle sign showing me they feel comfortable with me. I was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico and moved to Houston when I was six years old. Although raised here, I am very connected to Mexico as my parents ingrained our culture in me growing up. I am fluent in Spanish and English, and am currently learning Italian! I love to stay active – weightlifting, yoga, cycling, swimming, running… anything that challenges my mind and body in different ways and helps me maintain physical and mental health and aid in aging well and my longevity. I’ve always loved to read, write, draw, and make puzzles. Also, I was born on pi day (3.14 – March 14th) and I’m a Pisces. I’m not very knowledgeable about astrology but I truly believe I belong in the water (maybe as a mermaid) so I love knowing I am a water sign with fishies as my symbol. 

What would your perfect weekend look like?

My perfect weekend would include my family and me enjoying the “dolce far niente” (the sweetness of doing nothing) in an Italian coastal town. It would be Spring because the weather would be ideal, flowers would be blooming, and it would be my birthday season. We would mainly be tasting all the delicious food and relishing at the beauty of the sea.

What are some fun facts about you?

I love learning and I wish I had all the time in the world to just learn about my all of my interests. Also, I love to start my days with jazz music. The romantic and sweet melodies and lyrics set me up for a fantastic day.

Describe an interesting hobby or pastime you have

I’m in a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) apprenticeship program. I’ve been getting TCM treatment for many years to support and maintain my mind, body, and spirit health, and have become really close with my doctor. She invited me to join her program last year and I’ve been learning a little bit about the body, the meridians, but most of all, about the power of meditation. This practice and my mentor have been life-changing.

What’s something surprising not many people know about you?

This one depends on the setting you meet me in but… I’m an introvert. I love my private time and know my social battery limit. But I am also very good at interacting in social situations, so some people are surprised when I tell them I’m an introvert.

What is a dream that you want to make come true one day?

Living in Italy 🙂

When did you first know that you wanted to pursue a career in this field?

I should have known since I was a pre-teen! I used to love watching criminal minds and thought I wanted to be an FBI agent. Now, I realize that what I loved was the psychological work that the behavioral analysis unit did (Dr. Reid was my hero). I didn’t realize it until junior year of undergrad though. I gradually became involved in mental health awareness stuff and one day woke up and my intuition told me it was my life’s calling.

What was your dream job as a child?

To be an inventor! I still have a notebook from when I was little with all of my ideas. It has a lot of cool drawings of gadget and app game ideas! Top secret stuff though. One day, I’ll make them a reality 🙂

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

Besides Italy… Switzerland and Spain!

How would your friends & family describe you in 3 words?

Loving, dedicated, thoughtful

If you could pick any superpower, what would it be?

Tele-transportation! I’m very adamant about this one haha! I don’t like the process of traveling, whether a car commute or an airplane ride. The only thing that gets me through is either car karaoke or a good podcast (not airplane karaoke, though… I would probably get thrown out haha)

What’s your favorite food?

Sushi, Mexican food, and Italian food 🙂

Describe a funny or unique experience that you’ve had

I don’t have a Latino accent (I wish I did) but there are some words in English that are difficult to pronounce. I secretly love it when I have to say a word slow or pronounce a word wrong because it reminds me of my background and makes me so proud of my culture.

What’s on your Spotify playlist?

Dean Martin, Bobby Darian, Frank Sinatra, John Mayer, Harry Styles, Shakira (oldies), Maroon 5, Ed Sheeran, Fedez, anything 80s and 90s (influenced by my dad), anything pop in Spanish (e.g., Camila, Ricardo Montaner), banda music (e.g., Banda MS, Banda el Recodo), norteño music (e.g., Pesado), Rüfüs du Sol, Daft Punk, Duke Dumont, Midland and some other country singers… pretty versatile.

Who are some of your biggest influences?

My parents, my TCM doctor, and my therapist. All for different reasons but all have taught me something about love – for myself and for life.

What types of books/movies do you enjoy? Any recommendations?

I’ve read so many books but some recommendations off the top of my head are The Alchemist, Man’s Search for Meaning, Think Again, and Greenlights. And The Gift of Therapy for my fellow clinicians.

When have you felt the proudest & why?

The moments in which I respond better (emotionally, cognitively, or behaviorally) to challenging situations. Being someone dedicated to self-growth and who is honest with myself about my areas for improvement, I work hard to notice patterns that are not serving me well. The moments when I notice I am making better decisions are priceless.

What’s the best trip you’ve been on and why?

NYC and Branson for Christmas last year! I love Christmas and I was with my loved ones.

What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this year?

I started being a therapist (intern level). It’s been a long time coming and I am so grateful for the opportunity.

Describe an experience that has had a lasting impact on you

Yoga Retreat a few years ago. It deepened my spiritual life and confirmed my interest in getting my RYT certification and pursue a career in the mental health!

Work Habits

How do you like to structure your day?

My days are very structured and routine-based. My non-negotiables are 1. getting some sort of movement in (e.g., gym, run, cycle, swim, walk) at least 4 times a week, 2. going to my weekly TCM treatment or meditation sessions, and 3. having at least one day of turning off my brain and enjoying time with my loved ones. Of course, life is ever changing and these non-negotiables sometimes need to be negotiated, and that’s okay. Consistency is key.

What do you enjoy most about working at Ajana?

The team. There is so much love at Ajana.

What methods or tools do you use to stay organized?

Digital sticky notes… that’s about it. Most methods or tools are too overwhelming for me.

What tips or advice do you have for someone wanting to become a counselor?

Dedicate your efforts to knowing yourself.

How do you stay motivated and focused?

I’ve always been very intrinsically motivated, but in moments of doubt, I turn to my spirituality.

Do you have any strategies for dealing with stress at work?

Breathing. Meditation. Working through all-or-nothing thinking.