
Finding Acceptance in a Social Media Post

Finding Acceptance in a Social Media Post Written by: Kimberly Harkey, MEd, LPC-S If you’ve often felt misunderstood, unable to fit in, outcast, or not accepted by others, five minutes of scrolling in social media will help you find at least 5 labels and maybe even a diagnosis to describe yourself. Introverted? Ambivert? Highly Sensitive [...]

Finding Acceptance in a Social Media Post2024-01-08T08:11:39-06:00

Nancy Castellon, Ph.D, LPC

Author's note: Happy International Women's Day! I am pleased to honor Ajana's very own, Dr. Nancy Castellon. Nancy is a wonderful human and made sure to make me feel worthy and capable throughout our interview. Nancy has worked at Ajana Therapy for about 3 years and is currently a part-time counselor and is also [...]

Nancy Castellon, Ph.D, LPC2023-03-09T09:06:44-06:00

Redefining Rest

Redefining Rest Written By: Kimberly Harkey, M.Ed., LPC-S I’ve recently seen many self care shops selling things that say ‘Rest is productive', but is rest productive? It always makes me take a long pause. I first notice how resentful I feel that even my rest has to be productive. Why can’t my rest be unproductive? [...]

Redefining Rest2024-01-08T08:10:06-06:00

Ariana Grande Hear Us Out

First Demi Lovato, Michael Phelps, and Jen Hatmaker. Now Ariana Grande is the latest celebrity to partner with BetterHelp to "give away" therapy. It seems that a lot of celebs lately are "partnering" (and mind you these are paid partnerships) with large digital mental health platforms. These celebs are all such an influence in other [...]

Ariana Grande Hear Us Out2021-07-30T16:51:30-05:00

How the Commercialization of Mental Health Impacts Independent Private Practices

How the Commercialization of Mental Health Impacts Independent Private Practices Mental health needs have drastically impacted the mental health system. According to NAMI, it is estimated that “20.6% of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2019 (51.5 million people).” That is 1 out of 5 U.S. adults. Since the pandemic began the National Institute of [...]

How the Commercialization of Mental Health Impacts Independent Private Practices2021-12-06T17:45:44-06:00

My Client Wants To Talk Career Counseling! HELP!

My Client Wants To Talk Career Counseling! HELP! I don’t know about you, but career counseling was not big in my graduate degree. I had a summer class crammed with information, but it wasn’t until I had an internship at my university’s career center that I truly saw what career counseling was all about. It [...]

My Client Wants To Talk Career Counseling! HELP!2021-04-21T12:20:35-05:00

Choosing a Counselor: How Bad Counseling Experiences Inspired Me to Become a Counselor

Choosing a Counselor: How Bad Counseling Experiences Inspired Me to Become a Counselor Written By: Nancy E. Castellon, PhD, LPC Associate  I am sure you've heard it before - choosing the right counselor is vital in your treatment. No pressure, right? So, how do you pick the right one for you? Short answer - "Listen [...]

Choosing a Counselor: How Bad Counseling Experiences Inspired Me to Become a Counselor2021-03-29T11:15:56-05:00

Riding the Coronacoaster

Riding the Coronacoaster Written by: Kristen Suleman, M.Ed., LPC Coronacoaster. n. The ups and downs of a pandemic; the feeling of uncertainty, anxiety, and helplessness surveying news and information concerning humankind's possible demise from COVID-19. The past 4 months have been a wild ride for all of us, to say the least. Riding the [...]

Riding the Coronacoaster2024-04-19T08:32:50-05:00

Resistance, Acceptance, and Mindfulness

Resistance, Acceptance, and Mindfulness Written By: Leah J. Singer, M.Ed., LPC, RYT-200 Pressure. There it is. Pushing and weighing down on me. One step at a time feels like an eternity. The invisible box I’m in feels to be shrinking instead of expanding. Finding time to breathe deeply and fully seems to be a luxury. [...]

Resistance, Acceptance, and Mindfulness2021-02-22T07:09:15-06:00
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