The Relationship Series: The Importance of Timing In Relationships

Written By: Gabriella Mahan, BA

Timing: What We Wish Didn’t Get in The Way but Inevitably Does

Oh, the six-letter word…T I M I N G. Timing is everything. Especially in relationships. Have you ever felt this almost cosmic kind of connection with someone—you know the kind where after spending one day with them your butterflies are through the roof and you feel as though you’ve known the person your whole life? Yes? Maybe? Only me?

Well, whether I am alone or not, let me tell you, this specific feeling is real people…It doesn’t just happen in the movies. You see, I am a hopeless romantic, so when I meet someone I connect with in a unique way, I fall hard and fast. Honestly, it’s a blessing and a curse. It can lead to blissful romance but it can also lead to unfortunate heartbreak.

As much as I would like to say timing isn’t a factor in relationships, it is. If two people are in completely different stages in their life, and don’t have the time it requires to engage in a meaningful relationship, then most likely, that relationship won’t last very long. It doesn’t matter how much you love one another, you cannot force a relationship to work if both individuals aren’t ready to commit. It takes two people to tango, am I right? Or am I right?

I know many may disagree, but I can say from personal experience, it’s true. Recently I ended a relationship, and in the end, it all came down to one main issue: he wasn’t ready to commit—he couldn’t give me the effort the relationship deserved. Does that make him a bad person? No, definitely not. Does that make me incapable of being loved? Absolutely not. Does it make me sad? Yes. Does it make me disappointed? You bet.

The real question is, “Do you simply walk away from that blissful, inexplicably unique, cosmic kind of love?”

Well folks, that’s a loaded question, and as much as I want to have the answer for you, only you know what the right thing to do is. At the end of the day, the relationship consisted of you and that individual, nobody else. Nobody else understands that unique connection you guys shared. Nobody knows the happiness, pain, and confusion you went through to get to this point.

With time, your heart will heal and what is meant to be, will happen.  When we focus on our growth and being the best version of ourselves, everything else in life falls into place—whether it was the outcome we were hoping for or not. I am a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. There’s a reason behind why you cross paths with particular people and every experience you go through has a lesson imbedded in it. But unfortunately, timing in a relationship  is everything.

Live your life for you, and never stop loving yourself, so that one day, when the timing is right, you can open your heart to that blissful, inexplicably unique, cosmic kind of love.