To Be Human in 2020

Written by Leah J. Singer, M.Ed., LPC, RYT-200

Ever heard of the term “existential crisis?” I remember hearing this phrase all the time growing up and I remember never really knowing what it meant. Existential as an adjective, relates to simply existing and existential therapy is rooted in the belief that internal conflict will arise based on conditions that are inherent to the human experience. Essentially, existential therapy allows the client to acknowledge and work through conflict created by the human experience. There are four existential givens that include:

  • Meaninglessness
  • Death
  • Isolation, and
  • Freedom/associated responsibility

In other words, as a human, we will grapple with these at some point in our lives.

This leads me to ponder, what does it mean to be human in 2020?

Globally and nationally our human experience has radically shifted in major ways. In this unprecedented time of unknown and unlearning, these existential givens still remain. So, I’d say to be human in 2020 is…complicated. The way we connect to others now is complicated, the way we work is complicated, the way we take care of ourselves is complicated, the way we parent is complicated and the way we care for others is too. Acknowledging these truths might even feel complicated! Something unique about the human experience is that we are also adaptable. Where there are complications and conflict there is also creativity and flexibility. The creativity and flexibility to reinvent the way we connect, work, self-care, and parent. Existential therapy honors these experiences that are inherent to being a human while also honoring our ability to accept and adapt to them.

Let’s face it, complicated is a part of the human experience. Facing these existential realities together is a part of it too. Although connection and belonging may not fix our struggles, it can ease the burden of them and not make us feel so alone. At Ajana, we got you and are here for you with your complications and all. Schedule your complimentary 15 minute phone consultation with a licensed clinician today.

– Leah